Segment No. 060 -- Lk. 8:1-3

Title:  A Second Tour of Galilee - Many Women Minister to Yeshua

 8:1  Now it cam to pass, afterward, that He went through every city and village, preaching and bringing the glad tidings of the Kingdom of God.  And the twelve were with Him.

Here we have His second major preaching tour, but this time it is done with the twelve disciples.  The first one He did on His own.

8:2  And certain women who had been healed by evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called    Magdalene, out of whom had come seven demons,
8:3  And Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, and Susanna, and many others who    provided for Him from their substance.

There is a question that is sometimes asked: “How did Yeshua and His disciples finance their ministry work? Even every day living expenses for thirteen people can amount to quite a lot, not to mention ministry expenses.  I’m sure they did receive quite a few donations, but it appears that the steady income needed was from wealthy women, even from Herod’s household.  Why would they do this?  During this time most women were treated as second-class citizens.  But, Yeshua treated them differently.  A woman such a Mary Magdalene, who was possessed with seven devils, would have been treated as an outcast.  But, Yeshua cared.  He treated women very differently than they were used to.  They were not second-class citizens in His sight.  They were valuable human beings that had needs and hurts in their lives.  He reached out to them and they responded in kind.

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